Kreative Upcycling Workshops und Geburtstage für Kinder von 6 bis 12 Jahren

Kreative Kids Düsseldorf

Great, sustainable and creative
Upcycling workshops, projects and birthdays
for Kids and Adults


What's new with us?

Hier findet ihr Neuigkeiten, Anleitungen und Spannendes aus dem „Kreative Kids“ Universum 😉

Julia Bonk's exhibition "Upcycling Art" in the Oberkassel public library...

This year, we once again prepared and handed over 90 art bags with the Düsseldorf Department of Culture as part of the "Art, Culture, Participation" programme for children.

Jetzt basteln wir eine Laterne aus einer Plastikflasche. Ran an die Scheren, unsere Lieben 😉

Tolle Möglichkeit eine super schnelle Laterne aus einer Milchtüte zu basteln 🙂 Upcycling welcome 😉

Adventure School 2023 is now over. Vincent and Julia and, of course, lots of kids had a lot of fun and an incredible amount of enjoyment.

Adventure Herbst School geht in eine neue Runde und mit ihr auch die "Kreativen Kids Düsseldorf" 😉

We have been able to recruit a very cool team member who specialises in children's birthday parties, namely our Melda.

One of the highlights of our summer in Düsseldorf is the zakk street festival at the end of August.

Summertime is going out time. And what makes beautiful summer days even better? Exactly, music and fun!!!