Kreative Upcycling Workshops und Geburtstage für Kinder von 6 bis 12 Jahren

Kreative Kids Düsseldorf

Great, sustainable and creative
Upcycling workshops, projects and birthdays
for Kids and Adults


What's new with us?

Hier findet ihr Neuigkeiten, Anleitungen und Spannendes aus dem „Kreative Kids“ Universum 😉

Melda has arrived at KKD and gave her first workshop together with Julia today!!!

We are delighted to announce that we have successfully completed the relaunch of our website!!!

Adventure Summer School 2023 and cool workshops from KKD in the summer holiday program

Yay!!! We are incredibly happy - we have cracked the 300 mark!!! Thanks to your great support, we have

We have some great news and are delighted to introduce you to our new team member Melda. She will be joining us for all our workshops

We have now held our first teacher coaching session! In the workshop, the teachers learnt all kinds of tips and tricks.

Tolles Insektenhotel aus einer Konservendose! Du kannst Dein Insektenhotel auch als ein Insekt bemalen 😉

How to make a great birdhouse from an empty milk bag

You can easily make the confetti yourself from an old advert or an old calendar.