Kreative Upcycling Workshops und Geburtstage für Kinder von 6 bis 12 Jahren

Kreative Kids Düsseldorf

Great, sustainable and creative
Upcycling workshops, projects and birthdays
for Kids and Adults

Institutes and organisations

The possibilities for upcycling are very diverse!

Almost everything can be upcycled and turned into beautiful new things.
But not everything - not all processes and materials - are suitable for children.
That's why we researched very carefully to find the best and most suitable offers for children from first to sixth grade. And we were able to find lots of great ideas!

For example, Tetrapak can be reused in many different ways, an old T-shirt can be turned into a great bag and old newspapers can be used to make good old hats or paper rubbish bins...

Und das ist noch lange nicht alles und es kommen immer wieder neue Ideen dazu 😉


Schule Workshops


  • Workshops and offers for lessons (e.g. in the specialised or art lessons).
    You can select individual programme items from our prepared repertoire. We are also happy to cater to your ideas and wishes.
  • Organisation of project days/participation in project weeks.
    For project days/weeks, we will address your topic in the context of upcycling and sustainability. Here too, you are welcome to draw on our repertoire or discuss new ideas with us.

In order to carry out the programme with the children in a meaningful way, the workshops should take place over a period of 4 to 6 lessons, or more in the case of project weeks.

If you have any questions or would like to realise your own ideas, we will be happy to advise you.

Teacher coaching

Lehrer Coaching
 Teacher coaching 

Teacher coaching

Coaching for teaching staff on sustainability/upcycling issues for children in grades 1 to 6.

How can you bring sustainability closer to children? What is upcycling and what can you do with children in this area?

I will address these and other questions in our coaching and show how children can be introduced to this topic. We discuss which materials are best suited and learn tricks and live hacks so that these can be passed on to the children in school lessons.

If necessary, we will be happy to issue certificates of participation. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions .

Educational institution

Bildungsträger Workshop
 Educational institution

Educational institution

We offer sustainability and upcycling programmes for various educational institutions. We have already held our workshops with various partners, such as:

  • ASG Education Forum
  • Libraries
  • Diakonies
  • Kindergarten & family centres
  • VHS
  • zdi-network MINT Düsseldorf

and many more.

You are welcome to draw on our repertoire or discuss new ideas with us.

Holiday offers

Ferienangebote Workshops
 Holiday offers 

Holiday offers

Children don't have to do without us during the holidays either. We have holiday offers in the area of sustainability and creative upcycling for various providers in our programme.

The children have already been able to enjoy our upcycling workshops at various event organisers, such as

  • Holiday camps of the OGS
  • Holiday program from the zdi network MINT Düsseldorf
  • Youth centres
  • Summer camps from various providers

Are you planning a holiday programme for children? Then get in touch with us, we will be happy to fulfil your wishes and ideas.

Events and leisure activities

Events und Freizeitangebote
 Events and leisure activities

Events and leisure activities

We have great offers in the field of sustainability and upcycling for festivals and events, such as for

  • Summer and street parties
  • Festivals
  • Public events
  • Cultural events

Are you planning an event for children? Please contact us and we will see what we have in our programme for you or how we can implement your ideas.


OGS Workshops


We also have great ideas in our programme for OGS work in the school afternoon area, which you can offer as an AG. 

In this way, children can experience great adventures with us at various schools in the afternoon on the subject of sustainability and upcycling. The long duration (one half-year) has a positive, lasting effect on the children. At the end of the working group, there is the opportunity to realise a great project with the children in creative free work.

Please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your ideas and wishes.