Kreative Upcycling Workshops und Geburtstage für Kinder von 6 bis 12 Jahren

Kreative Kids Düsseldorf

Great, sustainable and creative
Upcycling workshops, projects and birthdays
for Kids and Adults

What do the Kreative Kids Düsseldorf do?

What is our idea - what makes us special?

The idea of upcycling has always been with us and we have realized that this is a wonderful way to bring sustainability closer to kids. The Kreative Kids Düsseldorf was born from these considerations!

The children get to know upcycling or "from old to new" with us and work with a wide variety of materials that are otherwise thrown away. The ideas are specially designed for children.
With a lot of creativity, fun and joy, completely different, new things arise and the children learn what sustainability is all about.

What do the Kreative Kids Düsseldorf do?



 What's new with us?

Julia Bonk's exhibition "Upcycling Art" in the Oberkassel public library...

This year, we once again prepared and handed over 90 art bags with the Düsseldorf Department of Culture as part of the "Art, Culture, Participation" programme for children.

Jetzt basteln wir eine Laterne aus einer Plastikflasche. Ran an die Scheren, unsere Lieben 😉


What's new with us?

Hier findet ihr Neuigkeiten, Anleitungen und Spannendes aus dem „Kreative Kids“ Universum 😉

Our programs

 Our programs

 What we offer

Our programs

What we offer

We have a wide range of ideas and offers for institutes and organisations, as well as for private persons.

Take a look around and choose something great for your event!

Our programs

What we offer

We have a wide range of ideas and offers for institutes and organisations, as well as for private persons.

Take a look around and choose something great for your event!

Institutes and organisations

Institutes and organisations

For institutes and organisations we have the following in our program

  • Upcycling and sustainability project days for schools
  • Teacher coaching
  • and much more

Private individuals

Private individuals

We have prepared the following offers for private persons

  • Upcycling birthday parties & family celebrations
  • Upcycling workshops
Our team

 Our team

 Introducing ourselves

Julia Bonk

Hi, I'm Julia, a mum of two and I founded Kreative Kids Düsseldorf at the beginning of 2019.The idea of Kreative Kids Düsseldorf was born out of my desire to introduce children to sustainability and creative upcycling in a fun and enjoyable way...

Guido Rummeny

Hey there, my name is Guido and I've been with Kreative Kids Düsseldorf since the very beginning. I support them, work mostly in the background (back office, strategic development, etc.)

Melda Marangoz

Hey, ich bin Melda 🙂
I live an environmentally conscious life and have a great love for nature and its inhabitants.In my free time, you'll find me out roaming around in nature ...

Our team

Introducing ourselves

Who are Kreative Kids Düsseldorf? How did we come about, what is our motivation?

Here we write a little about ourselves and are pleased to introduce you to our team.


Our partners